- CTL-12型化学需氧量速测仪与标准法测定COD_(Cr)之比较Comparison of CTL-12 Type Expedite Testing Apparatus and Standard Method to Determination COD_(Cr)
- 膀胱内照像速photocystoscop
- 双像投影测图仪double projector
- 新具像速塑人体New Figurative Sculpture in a short time ZY
- 双pair
- 基于线阵CCD检测器的芝麻油掺假速测仪A Novel Fast Analyzer of Gingili Quality Based on Linear CCD Array Detector
- 像look
- 速quick
- 双击double-click
- 仪present
- 双像split image
- 摘要推导了不同介质中的透镜成像时物速与像速的关系,讨论了物沿主轴运动时像的运动规律。The authors infer the relation between object speed and photographer speed when a lens in different medium forms photographer.
- 重力速测仪gravitacheometer
- 轴向合像双像棱镜的设计和误差分析Design and error analysis of both-image prism in axial split-image
- 多道直流电测仪配套设备研制与应用The development and application of the accessories of multi-channel DC electrometer
- 回波声,音,反射波双像,回波图像echo
- 农药残毒速测专用试剂包及现场检测技术研究Study of a specific reagent wrap for the residual pesticide detection and determination
- 各向异性材料光学常数全自动椭偏测仪Automatic Ellipsometry Measurement Instrument for Anisotropic Materials
- 回波声,音,反射(波)双像,回波图像echo
- 崭露头角的电容式条粗条干均匀度测仪The Capaictive Strand And Flyer Evenness Meter Which Is More Welcome In The Market