- 单镀Galfan合金single-coated Galfan alloy
- 单镀Galfanone-step hot dipped galfan steel wire
- 预镀工艺对钢丝热镀Galfan合金镀层表面质量的影响Influence of pre-plating processes on the surface quality of hot-dip Galfan alloy deposits on steel wire
- Galfan合金Galfan alloy
- 报销单expense account
- 镀锌zincification
- 表单memu
- 镀-plated
- 运单freight note
- 下单place an order
- 镀铬chromeplate
- Galfan镀层Galfan coat
- 舱单shipping bill
- 单曲single
- Galfan镀层生产线Galfan coating production line
- 镀铜copperize
- 单层monolayer
- 镀镍nickelage
- 大桥吊索绳用Galfan镀层钢丝的试制Development of Steel Wire with Galfan Coat for Bridge Sling Rope
- 买单check