- 单向HFC网Unilateral HFC
- HFC网光缆链路损耗的理论设计值与实测值探讨Probing of Theoretical and Measured Values on Fiber Link Losses in HFC Network
- 基于单向HFC网的交互式数据广播关键技术研究Key Techniques Research of Interactive Data Broadcasting System Based on Unilateral HFC
- 流网drift net
- HFC网HFC network
- 网人netizen; net citizen
- HFC网由单向到双向的改造The Alteration of HFC Network from One Way to Double Ways
- 网布screen cloth
- 子网掩码subnet mask
- 双向HFC网bidirectional HFC net
- 圆网mould
- 网志net annal
- 双向HFC网上行传输的技术问题及对策Technological problems of the bidirectional HFC net in transmiting upwards and corresponding strategies
- 蜘蛛在屋檐下织网。A spider is weaving a web under the eaves.
- 大脑绒被从软膜和大脑皮层之间穿过的极细的小血管形成的网A network of extremely small blood vessels passing between the pia mater and the cerebral cortex.
- 他们用网捕鱼。They caught fish in their nets.
- 和讯网Homeway.com
- 双向HFC网上行传输的技术问题及其对策The technical matters and its countermeasures of bothway HFC network up channel transmission
- 那足球队员将球凌空抽射入网。The footballer volleyed the ball into the net.
- 你知道鸡是怎么能够从网里跑出来的吗?Do you know how the chickens were able to squeak through the net?