- 单向S-粗集对偶dual of one direction S-rough sets
- 变精度变异单向函数S-粗集one-direction variation function S-rough sets of the variable precision
- 单向函数S-粗集对偶dual of founction one direction singular rough sets
- 函数单向S-粗集对偶dual of function one direction S-rough sets
- 有界单向函数bounded one-way function
- 量子单向函数quantum one-way function
- 双变量单向函数two variable one-way function
- 杂凑演算法是单向函数。Hashing algorithms are one-way functions.
- S-粗集S-rough sets
- 基于单向函数树的高效分布式组密钥管理方案Efficient distributed group key management scheme using a one-way function tree
- 双向S-粗集Two Direction S-rough Sets
- 利用单向函数构造的ERP身份验证机制ERP id verification system constructed by one-way function
- IS-粗集improper singalar rough sets
- 基于门限单向函数的组播密钥管理方案Key management scheme for secure multicast based on threshold and one-way function
- 论粗集rough sets
- 基于离散对数和单向函数的代理签名方案A Proxy Signature Scheme Based On Discrete Logarithms And One-way Function
- 单向S-对偶粗决策one direction S-dual rough decision
- R-粗集R-rough Sets
- 基于RSA和单向函数防欺诈的秘密共享体制Cheat-Proof Secret Share Schemes Based on RSA and One-Way Function
- 粗集论Rough sets theory