- 十进制Morton码Morton code based on metric system
- 码yard
- Morton编码Morton code
- 本文根据地矿的空间分布特征 ,设计出专用的三维空间数据模型及数据结构 ,介绍了由二维轮廓线构造三维形体 ,Morton码建立空间三维数据结构的方法。According to spatial distribution feature of ore body,the special 3D data model and data structure have been designed. The method of establishing spatial 3D data structure by means of 2D contour lines forming 3D shape and using Morton codes is introduced.
- 十进制decimal system
- 乱码messy code
- 源码source code
- 验证码identifying code
- 注册码poll code
- 码表stopwatch
- 美国货币采用十进制。United States money has a decimal system.
- 十进制数ten's digit
- 均码one-size-fits-all
- 英国货币已采用十进制。Britain has decimalized her currency.
- 激活码active coding
- 通用十进制系统Brussels system
- 码率code rate
- 码字numeral
- 掩码mask
- 子网掩码subnet mask