- 具有高比表面积的稻壳灰的制备及其化学活性的研究Study on Preparation of Rice Husk Ash with High Specific Surface Area and Its Chemical Reactivity
- 用脉冲辐解法研究尼古丁的化学活性Study on the Chemical Activity of Nicotine by Pulse Radiolysis
- Mn位掺杂对La_(0.7)Ca_(0.3)MnO_3 CMR材料磁电特性影响的研究The Study of the Effect of the Magnetic and Electrical Properties in Mn-site Doped in La_(0.7)Ca_(0.3)MnO_3 CMR Material
- 金耳水溶性多糖JP-2的分离及化学结构的研究Study on Separation and Chemical Structure of Water Soluble Polysaccharide JP-2 in Tremella Aurantialba
- 确定生物和/免疫化学活性的分析方法应当要和用来确定产品效力的分析方法一样。Biological and/ or immunochemical activity should be assessed using the same analytical procedures used to determine product potency.
- 化学复合镀Ni-P-CaF_2的研究Electroless Ni-P-CaF_2 Composite Plating
- 表面化学活性chemical mobility of the surface
- 微生物絮凝剂产生菌NX-2的筛选和合成条件的研究The Screening of a Flocculant-producing Bacterium NX-2 and Its Characteristics
- 潜在化学活性cryptoactive
- 生物化学活性系统biochemically active system
- 你问题的第一部分,我要说的就是我们的研究非常广泛。To answer the first part of your question, I'd like to say that our studies were very extensive.
- 这些化学活性的酶造成广泛损害。These chemically active ferments cause havoc.
- 高温超导氧化物YBCO中添加BaF_2的研究Study on HTS YBCO Adding BaF_2
- 高温化学活性chemical activation in high temperature
- 胃肠病学医学的一分支,致力于使胃、肠和有关器官感染的疾病的研究The branch of medicine that deals with the study of disorders affecting the stomach, intestines, and associated organs.
- 纳米TiO_2的掺杂改性及光催化性能的研究Study the Doping and Modification of Nano TiO_2 and Its Photocatalytic Activity
- 粉煤灰化学活性激发及应用On Chemical Activity Excitation and Application of the Coal Ash
- 有氧健身操对中老年妇女的形态与血液流变学影响的研究Effects of Aerobic Body - building Exercises on the Shapes and Haerheological Indices of the Middle - aged and Oid Women
- 上海地区不同商品粉煤灰的化学活性Chemical Activity of Various Commercial Fly Ashes in Shanghai Area