- 加权弱Herz-Morrey空间weighted weak Hem-Money spaces
- 弱Herz空间weak Herz space
- 空间space
- 齐型空间上的Morrey空间极大算子有界性Boundedness of Maximal Operator in Morrey Spaces on Homogeneous Spaces
- 散度型椭圆方程的解在Morrey空间上的细正则性Fine Regularity of Solutions in Morrey Spaces for the Elliptic Equation in Divergence Form
- 加权Herz-Morrey空间the weighted Herz-Morrey spaces
- 弱young
- 弱的infirm
- Morrey-Herz空间Morrey-Herz space
- 弱电light current
- 空间的spatial
- 可用空间space available
- 变弱fail in
- 磁盘空间disk space
- 内部Morrey正则性local Morrey regularity
- 弱碱性alkalescence
- 消弱slacking down
- Herz-Morrey空间Herz-Morrey spaces
- 体弱多病valetudinarianism
- 发展空间development space