- 前previous
- 领舞者轻快地走到前台,深深地鞠了个躬。The principal dancer tripped forward to the front of the stage and made a deep curtsey.
- 排a platoon
- 节奏转快后,领舞者加快舞步,变换动作When the rhythm turns quick, and the leader accelerates his steps and alters actions.
- 她们坐在家长教师联谊会的前排。They are in the front row at PTA meetings.
- 舞to dance
- 前的prevenient
- 站在前排的少女是我的侄女。The girl standing in the front row is my niece.
- 那青年人向着那只可爱的手指的方向看了一眼,鞠躬表示服从,然后走到德丽莎面前,邀请她去参加由伯爵的女儿所领舞的四对舞。The young man looked, bowed in obedience, and then went to Teresa, and invited her to dance in a quadrille directed by the count's daughter
- 她在前排中间。She is in the centre of the front row.
- 你愿意坐在前排吗?Would you like to sit on the front seat?
- 在前排。In the front row.
- 我们早早到达,在前排找了座位,我们打算看到底,把本钱也看出来。We arrived early to get seats near the front and we intend to get our money's worth by staying to the very end.
- 前排右front line right
- 前排中front line center
- 前排左front line left
- 前排席front bench
- 冲上前排rush to the front row
- 前排座位已给别人先占了。The front seats have been preoccupied.