- 分泌secrete
- 分泌的excretive
- 分泌IAAProducing IAA
- IAAIndole acetic acid (IAA)
- 分泌过多hypersecretion
- 外源IAAexogenous IAA
- 分泌毒液excrete poison
- 分泌液exudate
- 汗腺分泌汗液。The sweat glands excretes sweat.
- 胃腺分泌胃液帮助消化食物。Glands in the stomach secrete juices that help in digesting food.
- 分泌激素secretin
- 分泌不足hyposecretion
- 患糖尿病的人需注射胰岛素, 因为病人本身不能分泌胰岛素.People suffering from diabetes have to have insulin injections, because they cannot produce their own.
- 内源性分泌endogenous excretion
- 结胶分泌或形成树胶To exude or form gum.
- 泌乳分泌或产生乳液To secrete or produce milk.
- 肾脏是分泌尿液的器官.The kidneys secrete urine.
- 侧分泌lateral secretion
- 抗胃分泌药gastric antisecretory drugs
- 分泌消化液secrete digestive juices.