- 分数次Hardy-Littlewood平均fractional Hardy-Littlewood average
- 分数次Hardy算子fractional Hardy operators
- N维分数次Hardy算子vn-dimensioal fractional Hardy operators
- 分数次极大算子fractional maximal operator
- 广义分数次积分算子交换子在Hardy空间上的有界性Boundedness of the commutators of generalized fractional integral operators on Hardy spaces
- 质量分数mass fraction
- 我们每年合家团聚一次。Our family has a yearly reunion.
- 打分数mark
- 这里的农民一年播一次种子。The farmers here sow once a year.
- 我们每周下两三次棋。We played chess two or three times weekly.
- 本文给出了Hardy-Littlewood极大算子的BMO有界姓的一个新证明。In this paper, I give a new proof of BMO-boundedness of Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator.
- 这次考试之难出乎我的意料之外。The exam was more difficult than I had bargained for.
- 我每天刷牙两次。I brush my teeth twice a day.
- Hardy-Littlewood极大算子Hardy - littlewood maximal operators
- 这趟上山是一次艰难的跋涉。It was a hard trudge up the hill.
- 我每年进一次山。I make a yearly trip to the mountains.
- Hardy空间上的有界复合算子Bounded Composition Operators on Hardy Spaces
- 第一次见面我就讨厌他了。I took against him at first sight.
- 分数算子fractional operator
- 这条船在一次风暴中失事了。The ship was wrecked in a storm.