- 顺其自然let nature take its course
- 我毫无办法处理,顺其自然吧。I have no way to deal with it, let a thing slide.
- 最好是顺其自然,这样,你就不会失望了。It's best to take the world as you find it, then you won't be disappointed.
- 其its
- 自然nature
- 顺to obey
- 约翰准备应付一切事故,但意识到有些事只得顺其自然。John prepared against every contingency, but recognized that something must be left to chance.
- 顺其自然。Doing what comes naturally.
- 顺其发展with its development
- 目前这个制度执行情况令人满意,为什么要改变呢?我侍建议是听其自然。The present system has worked satisfactorily, so why change it? My advice is to leave well alone.
- 我们不能听其自然。We mustn't leave it to take its own course.
- 我们治不了这种疾病,只好听其自然。We can't cure the disease; it must run its course.
- 当例行的调查进行时,布尔斯特罗德小姐并没有听其自然发展。While routine investigation was going on Miss Bulstrode had not been inactive.
- 因其自然let things take their natural course
- 听其自然let nature take its course
- 这个地方以其自然风景而著称,值行一游。The place is eminent for its natural scenery and counts as deserving a visit.
- 尽其自然地simply
- 这件事情上听其自然given full swing in the matter
- 听天由命,听其自然leave things to chance
- 要想痊愈就听其自然吧。老天爷最有办法。Leave the cure to Mother Nature. She knows best.