- 决策Diffie-Hellman问题Decisional Diffie-Hellman Problem (DDHP)
- 决策Diffie-Hellman(DDH)假设decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption
- Diffie-Hellman问题Diffie- Hellman problem
- 判定Diffie-Hellman问题decisional Diffie-Hellman problem
- 除指定方以外,任何人验证签名的能力都与决策Diffie-Hellman(decisional Diffie-Hellman,简称DDH)问题密切相关.Especially, for anyone except the specified verifiers, the ability of verifying signature is tightly related to DDH (decisional Diffie-Hellman) problem.
- 计算性Diffie-Hellman问题computational Diffie-Hellman problem
- 计算Difiie-Hellman问题computational Diffie-Hellman problem
- 没问题No problem.
- 安全问题safety issue
- 投资决策capital investment decision
- 大问题great problem
- 提出问题interrogate
- Diffie-Hellman密钥交换协议Diffie-Heliman key exchange
- 关键问题sixty-four-dollar question
- 计算Diffie-Hellman(CDH)假设computational Diffie-HeUman assumption
- 没有问题all serene
- 存在的问题open question
- 常见问题FAQ
- 密钥可用于确定密钥协议,如使用Diffie-Hellman密钥协议算法创建的密钥。The key can be used to determine key agreement, such as a key created using the Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm.
- 处理问题handling problem