- 决策科学与DSSDesision Science and DSS
- 香港中文大学决策科学与管理经济系供应链管理中心主任、运营管理学教授Professor of Operations Management and Director of the Center for Supply Chain Management in the Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 决策科学与企业经济学系Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics
- 模糊决策有效性评估与DSS的进化Judging the Effectivety of Fuzzy Decision and Dss Evolution
- 决策科学中"软"与"硬"的辩证法浅论Superficial View on Dialectics of "Soft" And "Hard" in Policy- making Science
- 计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology
- 行为决策科学theory of behavioral decision
- 食品科学与工程专业工艺学实验课改革研究The Reform Study of the Technological Experiment Class of Food Science and Engineering
- 经济和决策科学类Electives in Economics Decision Sciences
- 科学与艺术的结合是时代发展的必然。it is an inexorable trend to combine science with art.
- 应用数学和决策科学杂志。Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences.
- 科学与伪科学在思维观上的根本对立On Diametrical Opposites to Epsistemology between Science and Pseudoscience
- 在第三十届西方决策科学学术年会,Western Decision Sciences Institute Thirtieth Annual Meeting
- 从科学与艺术的和谐性看物理科学美On aesthetics of physical science from the angle of the harmony between science and art
- 神经经济学:迈向脑科学的决策科学Neuroeconomics: Decision Science for Brain Science
- 人类干细胞研究的科学与伦理学之争The question about researching human's stem cell at issue
- 怀疑和批判:科学与文化创新的内推力Doubt and Animadvert: Inner Motive Force of Innovation of Science and Culture
- 材料科学与工程学院延寿理论及技术Theories and Technologies for extending life of Engineering Structures
- 一个企业要想得到生存和发展,四个基本层面缺一不可:决策科学的董事会、强有力的企业文化、有效的公司治理结构、明晰的战略。Four factors are indispensable to decide the surval and development of a company:directorate of scientific dicision-making, cogent enterprise culture,effective coporation governing configuration and clear strategy.
- 以科学与艺术联结的动势对待"咽音"To Treat the "Pharynx Voice" with Impetus of Joining between Science and Art