- 写Ws中的某位BSW.Z Bit Write in Ws
- 中的mesne
- 测试Ws中的指定位BTST.C Bit Test in Ws
- 例如,客户邮件列表中的有关某位客户的所有信息为一条数据记录。All information about one client in a client mailing list is an example of a data record.
- 这段隔着房门的谈话,对欧也妮来说简直是小说中的某段插曲。This conversation through the closed door seemed to Eugenie like some episode in a novel.
- 宣布反对,正式对某位预期的陪审员列入陪审团表示异议a formal objection to the inclusion of a prospective juror in a jury
- 在航空过程中的不符合是危险的。写被关于缩写通过偏见减轻。Deviation in aviation is dangerous. Writing is alleviated via bias on abbreviation.
- 那个候选人自从最近作了一次讲演以后在公众心目中的地位提高了。That candidate has come up in the public opinion since his last speech.
- 卖空者,做空头者抛售股票或商品希望造成价格下跌的人,如某位投资者One, such as an investor, that sells securities or commodities in expectation of falling prices.
- 如果你真的想鼓励某位给你提供了优质服务的人,给他的老板写一封赞扬信。If you really want to encourage someonewho gives you excellent service, write a letter of commendation to the person's boss.
- 我倾向于给写在亚麻布上的大纲中的这些学科划下画线。I'm inclined to underline these disciplines in the outline written on linen.
- 证明自己。只对你半场落后,你的某位球员离他应有的表现差的很远的时候使用;Prove a point. Only available if you are behind at half time. Similar to a killer talk for players who are far away from their standard.
- 她文章中的一部分是从我写的同一内容的书中(直接)搬来的。Part of her article is taken (straight) from my book on the subject.
- 因此,现在,每当一幅艺术珍品被盗,人们就会猜想这可能是专门为某位大人物偷盗的。Now, every time a high-profile work of art is stolen, the possibility of it being stolen to order by a Mr Big is raised.
- 如果Get操作试图写入工作区中的某一可写文件,则会发生这样的冲突。These conflicts occur when a get operation tries to write over a writable file in your workspace.
- 坐在屋角凝思,把我的世界中的你们都写在韵律里,是甜柔的。It is sweet to sit in a corner to muse and write in rhymes that you are all my world.
- 如果某位管理人员被董事会免职,则接替其职务的人士由原提名方按照上述9.2条的规定提名。If any of the Management Personnel is removed by the Board, the replacement shall be nominated by the original nominating Party in accordance with Article 9.2 Above.
- 分子,写在分数的分数线上的表达式,表示占整体中的比例the expression written above the line in a common fraction to indicate the number of parts of the whole
- 本研究以某位任教于花莲地区的女性幼稚园教师为对象。The subject is a private kindergarten teacher in Hualien.
- 然后,您可以生成一个挖掘模型,该模型可将人口统计信息与某位客户在商店中的消费金额关联起来。You could then build a mining model that relates demographics to how much money a customer spends in a store.