- 内P-集合的概率函数probabilistic function of internal P-sets
- 内P-集合的概率生成probabflistic generation of internal P-sets
- 内internal
- 仿真和分析使用的是量化后的概率密度函数-概率函数。A quantized probability distribution PF is used instead of PDF.
- 正常猫面神经内P物质阳性反应的形态特征Morphologic Characterlstic of Substance P Immunoreactivity in Facial Nerve of Normal Cats
- 概率函数法probability function technique
- 内的inner
- 概率probability
- 用免疫细胞化学ABC法研究了鸡脑桥内P物质(SP)样免疫反应物的分布.Immunocytochemical technique (ABC method) was used to study the distribution of substance P-like (SP-L) immunoreactants in the pons of the chick.
- 集合的补the complement of sets
- 发生概率函数occurrence probability function
- 内网Intranet
- 补集对任意一个集合,这个集合的所有元素不共存在于它的任一子集合For a universal set, the set of all elements in the set that are not in a specified subset.
- 内置internal
- 站内instation
- 它将有微小的概率出场,在有爆破兵火炮兵或者狙击手时概率会稍微增加。It would be a rare chance, somewhat increased if there was a an Assaultman, FO, or Marksman.
- 内向diffidence
- 概率函数模型probability function model
- namespace: 命名空间tModel表示了一个信息集合的范围约束或域约束。namespace: A namespace tModel represents a scoping constraint or domain for a set of information.
- 雄性山噪鹛与白腰文鸟脑内P物质的表达差异Differences of expression of substance P in the brain of Garrulax davidi and Lonchura Striata swinhoei