- 巨口鱼dragon-fish
- 内internal
- 长鳍巨口鱼Tactostoma
- 地址变更:地址变更后28天内须亲自到交通厅各办事处备案Change of Address: Notify change of address within 28 days in person at any Department of Transport Office.
- 真true
- 展品在担保期限内须受海关监管,不得出售、转让或赠送。Exhibits in the guaranty period shall be subject to the Customs control, and shall not be sold, transferred or granted.
- 巨口鱼亚目Stomiatoidei
- 真的forsooth
- 口mouth
- 鱼fish
- 此等设备应由专人负责管理,其中应包括能施急救的人员一人或多人,且在工作时间内须能随时服务。The said supplies shallbe in charge of a res ponsible person or persons, who shall include one ormore persons competent to render first-aid, an d whose services shall alsobe readily available during working hours.
- 一口readily
- 巨tremendous
- 须necessary
- 内的inner
- 真假true and false
- 巨蟹Cancer
- 内网Intranet
- 口的oscular
- 鱼的ichthyic