- 关税及贸易总协议秘书处General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Secretariat
- 关税及贸易总协议部长声明General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Ministerial Declaration
- 关税及贸易总协议缔约成员全体会议General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Contracting Party Plenary Session
- 关税暨贸易总协议GATT General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
- 总overall
- 农业贸易在关税及贸易总协定外指导最后的一轮谈判,即乌拉圭回合Agricultural trade was effectively outside of the GATT until the last round, called the Uruguay round
- 总的total
- 达成协议make terms
- 海地、印度尼西亚政府与关税及贸易总协定各缔约国间的特别交换协定Special Exchange Agreement between the Government of Haiti,Indonesia and the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- 总表general schedule (GS)
- 爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog.
- 保密协议Confidentiality agreement
- 总览pandect
- 不及物动词intransitive verb(缩写:vi.)
- 总有一天one of these fine days
- 请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.
- 传输协议transport protocols
- 总金额aggregate amount
- 代理协议agency agreement
- 等不及can't wait (for sth.)