- 关于Dirac代数的表示On the Representations of the Dirac Algebra
- 量子环面上斜导子李代数的表示Representations of the Lie Algebra of Skew Derivations on Quantum Torus
- 1995年,Georgia Benkart等构造了Borcherds超代数的量子化包络代数。In 1995, Georgia Benkart etc. constructed quantum deformations of enveloping algebra of Borcherds superalgebra.
- 关于实系数三次方程根的表示式On Representative Expression of Root of Real Coefficient Cubic Equation
- 描述动作的表示动作而非存在状态的。用于指动词,诸如跑、说和运动Expressing action rather than a state of being. Used of verbs such as run, speak, and move.
- 他们的政府正在作出和平的表示。Their government is making overtures for peace.
- 长音阶的表示在第三和第四以及第七和第八度之间产有半拍的音阶或调式的Designating a scale or mode having half steps between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth degrees.
- 关于格蕴含代数的公理系统On Axiom Systems for Lattice Implication Algebras
- 律师拒绝做出这两宗案件相似的表示。The lawyer refused to concede that the two cases were at all similar.
- 代数的Z函数zeta-function of algebra
- 做作的,夸耀的表示出显而易见的夸张的,炫耀的;炫耀的Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious.
- 代数的交叉积On Semidirect Product of Discrete Groups and Crossed Product of von Neumann Algebras
- 屈膝礼一种主要由妇女做的表示尊重或恭敬的动作,弯曲双膝,一脚向前迈并使身体下坐A gesture of respect or reverence made chiefly by women by bending the knees with one foot forward and lowering the body.
- 由过程调用产生的该过程的表示。The representation of a procedure created by the invocation of that procedure.
- (数学)用几何和代数的方法或从属之的。(math) using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus.
- 在编辑语言中,把若干值变换为由给定格式所规定的表示形式。In programming languages, transforming values to the representations specified by a given format.
- 李代数的导子derivations of Lie algebras
- 别把他的耐心看作软弱的表示。Don't take his patience as a sign of weakness.
- 中心单代数的指数Exponent of a central simple algebra