- 关于中国保税区国际物流发展的深层思考Deep thinking on China duty-free zone's international logistics development
- TMT-CI的LD50为14.7 mg/kg。The LD50 of TMT-CI (ip ) was 14 .7 mg/kg.
- "民工荒"问题的深层思考Profound Reflections on the Problem of "the Lack of Peasant Workers"
- 关于CI企划与公共关系的几个问题Some Problems on CI Design and Public Relations
- P、SI、CI的下降具有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 1)。EVR was significantly higher than before TEA(P<0.05) Conclusion TEA exerts no significant influence over the balance between the demand and supply of myocardial oxygen.
- 思考think
- 旅游资源研究的深层思考Deep Thoughts on the Research of Tourist Attraction
- 构造 3p阶 Frobenius群的 2个非 CI的 3元生成子集 ,从而说明这类 Cayley图是非弱 3- DCI的 .Two three element generating subsets being non CI subset for Frobenius group were given,so that Cayley graph of the group is non weak 3 DCI group.
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 探讨了CI的内涵与外延,分析了其构成要素。 以期我国企业更加了解CI,使CI给企业带来光明的前景。The intension and extension of CI is discussed,and its component elements are analyst for expecting the enterprises in China to further undetstand CI and making it bring bright prospects to them.
- 继续推进西部大开发的深层思考An In-depth Thought on Further Boosting China's'Remake-the-West'Campaign
- 文章阐述了CI战略从传统传媒到互联网,向CS发展的趋向。 图书馆如何导 入网上CI和网上CI的主要特点。The article explains the trend of CI strategy of library : from tradit ional medium to Internet and from CI to CS, the method of how to bring CI on Int ernet into library, and the main characteristic of CI on Internet.
- 思考的broody
- 相反,对象的深层副本复制对象中字段直接或间接引用的全部内容。In contrast, a deep copy of an object duplicates everything directly or indirectly referenced by the fields in the object.
- 独立思考independent thinking
- 换位思考change-place-reflect
- 马克思新社会制度构想的当代回响--当代左派话语的深层历史逻辑Modern Application of Marx's Concept of a New Social System--Deep historical logic of modern leftist discourse
- 爱思考的meditative
- 思考能力elaborative faculty