- 四大奇书Four Marvelous Masterpieces
- 三大奇书three "Legendary Books"
- 明代“四大奇书”"four big wonderful novels" of Ming Dynasty
- "四大奇书"命名的文化意义The Cultural Significance of Naming "Four Wonderful Books"
- 书letter
- 奇odd
- "四大奇书"女性精神嬗变趋向的文化成因The Cultural Cause of Evolving Tendency of Female Spirits in the "Four Great Masterpieces" of the Ming Dynasty
- 其他所有的恐惧都是次要的,可以归属于以上六大类之下。All other fears are of minor importance,they can be grouped under these six headings.
- 六大类six groups
- 六大联动"Six-interaction"
- 汪汪,我是大奇。Woof! Woof! I'm Doggie.
- 六大科技six greatest science and technology-
- 奇书remarkable book
- 六大支柱six pillars
- 奇书理念writing conception of the five masterworks
- 你好,波比,我是大奇。Hello! Bobby. I'm Doggie.
- 中共六大the 6th Chinese Communist Party Congress( CCPC)
- 奇书美学aesthetics of the five masterworks
- 党的六大the 6th National Congress of CPC
- 海上奇书A Remarkable Book on the Sea