- 全景X线机oral panorama X- ray apparatus
- 全景X线照相法panoramic radiographic method
- 数字化曲面全景X线系统造影在腮腺非肿瘤类疾病诊断中的应用The arithmetic figure the curved face panorama X-ray system build the image in par otid not-tumor disease built image and examined the result
- 荧光照相术,荧光屏摄影,间接X线照相法fluorography
- 荧光照相术,荧光屏摄影(术), 间接X线照相法fluorography
- 间接X线照相法fluorography
- 活动分期是根据x线照相的变化和细菌学调查结果而确定的。The stages of activity are defined by roentgenographic changes and bacteriologic findings.
- 乳房X线照相mammography
- 暗线照相法schlieren method
- 阴道X结造影(术), 阴道X线照相(术)vaginography
- 系列摄影,连续X线摄影术,连续X线照相(术)serialgraphy
- 系列摄影术,连续X线摄影,连续X线照相(术)serialgraphy
- 系列摄影术,连续X线摄影(术), 连续X线照相(术)serialgraphy
- 把云纹照相与目测法的结果和X线摄片结果(作为标准)作了比较,发现目测法与云纹照相法的符合率分别是67%和94%。The Moire topographic method was employed and showed a 94%25 conformation with X-ray diagnoses;
- X线照相scotogram; scotograph; skiagraph shadowgraph; X-raying
- 膀胱充气x线照相术air cystography
- 膀胱肾盂X线照相术cystopyelography
- 胸X线照相thorax radiography
- 作X线照相roentgenograph
- X线照相的scotographic