- IT外包服务商IT outsourcing service provider
- 全方位IT外包服务商all-round IT outsourcing service provider
- 电信运营商开展IT外包服务转型业务的研究Research on Framework of IT Outsource Services for Telecommunication Transformation
- 我们能提供哪些IT外包服务?What kind of IT outsourcing Service can we supply?
- IT外包服务及其执行过程风险规避的研究A Study of IT Outsourcing Service and Risk Avoidance in Service Execution Process
- HR外包服务商HR outsourcing service provider
- IT外包IT outsourcing
- 网络服务商理所当然要收费,而且可能根据你的网页接受的访问次数额外收费。The ISP will certainly charge for the service-and might even charge based on the number of accessing web pages experience.
- IT外包项目IT foreign contract project
- 包服务控制功能PSCF Packet Service Control Function
- IT外包管理IT outsourcing management
- 这家工厂已决定把一些机器零件的生产外包给其他工厂。The factory has decided to farm out production of some of the machine parts to other plants.
- 这种电线外包塑料。This wire has a plastic casing.
- IT外包关系质量研究Research on Partnership Quality of IT Outsourcing
- 外包商outsourcing businesses
- IT外包中两阶段供应商选择的仿真模型The Simulation Model of Vendor Screening in Two-Stage IT Outsourcing Process
- 外包服务outsourcing service
- 固网运营商农村支局业务外包分析Analysis of outsourcing for fixed-network operator rural branch business
- 外包服务商outsourcing service provider
- 电信运营商运营外包式呼叫中心优劣谈Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourced Call Center of Telecom Operator