- 元组ID传播tuple ID propagation
- 组to form
- 不能改变域控制器帐户的主要组ID。Cannot change the primary group ID of a domain controller account.
- 传播to disseminate
- 组ID以数字格式返回,用posix_getgrgid()来将其解析为组名。The group ID is returned in numerical format, use posix_getgrgid() to resolve it to a group name.
- 元组tuple
- 三元组triad
- 安装过程的一些步骤需要使用管理员组ID,以便充当操作系统的一部分,并作为一项服务进行登录。Some steps of the installation procedure require the Administrator group ID to act as part of the operating system and to log on as a service.
- 二元组two-tuples
- 四元组tetrad
- 一千位元组One thousand bytes.
- 千字节计算机记忆容量的测量单位,等于1,024(210)位元组A unit of measurement of the memory capacity of a computer, equal to1, 024(210) bytes.
- 百万位元组mbyte
- 半位元组nibble
- 不可兼三元组exclusive triad
- 5元组5-tuple
- 树元组Tree Tuples
- 字元组character set
- 元组树tuple of trees
- 多元组multi-component system