- 值得大大夸奖的成绩.A very praiseworthy achievement
- 你的诚实值得大大表扬。Your honesty does you great credit.
- 成绩mark
- 你这是有教养的人的见解,海沃德少校,值得大大赞扬。Your notions are those of a gentleman, Major Heyward, and well enough in their place.
- 我们要的不是附和夸奖的人,而是能帮我们改进机构的人We want someone not just to cheerlead but to help us revamp our organization.
- 你们克服了如此巨大的困难,值得大大称赞。It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.
- "这个研究项目进行了不过三个月,所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。""The research project has only been under way for three months, so it's too early to evaluate its success."
- 值得to be worth
- 夸奖的是两个本科学生拥有伟大的经。Graduate student have great idea.
- 这些优异的成绩给我们全体工作人员带来了莫大的光荣。These excellent results reflect great credit on all our staff.
- 我们要的不是附和夸奖的人,而是能帮我们改进机构的人。We want someone not just to cheerlead but to help us revamp our organization.
- 不值得unworthy
- 他以不到一分钟的时间游完这段距离,从而刷新了他以前的成绩。He improved on his previous performance by swimming the distance in less than a minute.
- 值得的worthy of
- 值得注意的worth the whistle
- 她的成绩是B+。She got a grade of B plus.
- 值得注意noteworthiness
- 值得注意的是it's worth noting that ...
- 这名游泳者的成绩被测定为五十点五零秒。The swimmer was timed at 50.50 sec.
- 值得一看bear watching