- 俄克拉荷马城RTA综合征Oklahoma City RTA syndrome
- 俄克拉荷马城的两位小姑娘十分庆幸能回到陆地上。Two teenage girls in Oklahoma City are thankful to be on dry ground.
- 大约天黑时从俄克拉荷马城来了四个侦探。他们把我们带回俄克拉荷马城监狱。按手About dark four detectives from Oklahoma City arrived, and they took us to the Oklahoma City jail. Finger-printing, lineups, then back to the cell. Next morning my door opened.
- 1995年4月,在俄克拉荷马洲的俄克拉荷马城,一颗汽车炸弹在联邦办公大楼前爆炸,炸死168人,炸伤500多人。这次爆炸事件成为美国历史上造成死伤最为惨重的恐怖主义袭击事件之一。In April 1995 a truck bomb exploded in front of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City,Oklahoma,killing 168 people and injuring more than 500,making it one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in United States history.
- 1995年4月,在俄克拉荷马洲的俄克拉荷马城,一颗汽车炸弹在联邦办公大楼前爆炸,炸死168人,炸伤500多人。 这次爆炸事件成为美国历史上造成死伤最为惨重的恐怖主义袭击事件之一。In April 1995 a truck bomb exploded in front of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City,Oklahoma,killing 168 people and injuring more than 500,making it one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in United States history.
- 俄suddenly
- 亚特兰大RTA综合征Atlanta RTA syndrome
- 综合征symptom complex
- 快速热退火(RTA)rapid thermal annealing (RTA)
- 中俄China-Russia
- 周边经济体掀起缔结RTA高潮的原因及其对中国的影响The reasons and impacts on China of the upsurge of the RTA concluded by the economic entities around China
- 肾病综合征nephrotic syndrome
- 硅中离子注入RTA剩余损伤对p-n结反向漏电流的影响Influence of the ResiduaI Damage in Ion Implanted Silicon After RTA on the Reverse Leakage Current of p-n Junctions
- 麦卡里斯特,美国俄克拉荷马州东南部城市,位于州府俄克拉荷马城的东南。是畜牧区的集散中心。人口16,370a city of southeast Oklahoma southeast of Oklahoma City. It is a distribution center in a stock-raising area. Population,16,370
- 多囊卵巢综合征Stein-Leventhal syndrome
- RTA-T系列船用柴油机非标定工况下的柔性设计与性能优化On the Functional Optimization of Sulzer RTA-T Series Marine Diesel Engine
- 俄狄浦斯Oedipus
- 美尼尔氏综合征labyrinthine syndrome
- 目的探讨2003年上海市道路交通事故(RTA)伤亡人员特征。Objective To investigate the characteristics of the road traffic accident (RTA) casualties in Shanghai in 2003.Methods.
- 美国俄克拉荷马城国家纪念馆信托公司主管,卡利·沃特金斯谈及美国世贸中心纪念馆的设计大赛时说到。Kari Watkins, Executive Director of the Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust said about the design competition for the World Trade Center memorial.