- 便道上满是狗屎.The pavement was covered in dogs' excrement.
- 便道上的一堆狗屎.a pile of dog shit on the pavement
- 山麓上满是杜鹃花、紫藤花和其他美丽的花朵,真是花团锦簇。The mountainsides are ablaze with azalea, wistaria, and many other beautiful flowers.
- 便道上的狗屎dog poop on the sidewalk
- 会议间布置得像战地指挥部投影屏幕上满是各区主营业务的数据。It was like a war-room, with all the division's main operating data projected on screens.
- 他把小孩从人行便道上推搡下去了。He crowded the child off the sidewalk.
- 果皮上满是软刺的、果肉酸甜的、鲜红色、椭圆形马来水果。pleasantly acid bright red oval Malayan fruit covered with soft spines.
- 满packed
- 小路上的一堆狗屎a pile of dog shit on the path
- 海茨帕转过身,盯着这位似乎刚刚悄然出现在便道上的蓝眼睛的陌生人。Hesper turned and stared at the blue-eyed stranger who seemed to have silently just appeared on the sidewalk.
- 人们都骂他臭狗屎,他也不去争辩。People speak very low of him, but he never challenges them.
- 他们给这辆大型轿车开出一条路来,使它能开到台阶附近的便道上。They cleared a way for the limousine to reach the sidewalk near the steps.
- 这套衣服上满是漂亮的绣花。The dress was covered with beautiful embroidery.
- 他们给这辆大型轿车开出一条路来,使它能开到台阶附近的便道上。They cleared a way for the limousine to reach the sidewalk near the steps.
- 雨伞上满是洞,雨水正滴下来。The umbrella is riddled with holes and the rain's dripping down.
- 有两三把剑条满布“狗屎斑”而铁装的包浆较薄的剑我看是全新的!There two or three Jian are full of spot,but the iron fitting's patina is quite thin,I think Jian is new!
- 便道上尘土飞起多高,与天上的灰气联接起来,结成一片毒恶的灰沙阵,烫着行人的脸。Dust rose from the footpaths to meet the grey miasma, forming a nasty veil of sand that scorched the faces of the passers-by.
- 清晨玻璃上满是霜。The grass was covered with frost in the early morning.
- 山坡上满是松树。The hillside was dotted with pine trees.
- 总装线上的人员从上游的供给站补充一个新产品,来填补取走的产品空缺,上游的供给站向更上一级供给站拉出新的产品,狗屎。Workman on FAB supplement a new product which was puiled from upriver supply station fill in taken product, the upriver supply station pull a new product from furthermore upriver supply station.