- X染色体倒位伴X连锁无汗性外胚叶发育不良一个家系的产前诊断Prenatal diagnosis of X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with X-chromosome inversion
- 伴X染色体基因X-linked genes
- 伴X[染色体]基因X-linked genes
- 伴X基因X-linked gene
- 伴X染色体的X
- X线透视监测伴X线摄影术Fluoroscopic monitoring with radiography
- 染色体chromosome
- 诊断性放射学检查伴X线透视Diagnostic radiologic examination with fluoroscopy
- X区基因Gene of X region
- 常染色体autosome
- 反义x基因antisense x gene
- 性染色体sex chromosome
- Xα23基因Gene Xα23
- 乙肝病毒X基因hepatitis B virus X gene
- 脆性X相关基因ⅠFXR1
- X染色体失活偏移X-chromosomal inactivation skewing
- 基因型X环境互作GE interaction
- X染色体失活(XCI)X chromosome inactivation (XIC)
- 伴雄性遗传由一个基因或几个非同种的Y染色体传递因而只在雄性中遗传的Relating to a trait encoded by a gene or genes located on the Y-chromosome and therefore occurring only in males.
- 乙型肝炎病毒X基因Hepatitis B virus X gene