- 伪APNpseudo APN
- 伪false
- 伪代码pseudocode
- APN型压滤机APN pressure filter
- 证伪falsification
- 脂联素(APN)adiponectiv (APN)
- 伪码pseudocode
- APN连续性排班Consecutive scheduling ( APN )
- 氨肽酶N(APN)aminopeptidase N(APN)
- APN函数的研究和应用Researching and Application of APN Functions
- 伪的apocryphal
- 亚太全球变化研究网(APN)Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)
- 伪词源(学)false etymology
- 方案二:APN 专网方式。The second is APN special network.
- 伪随机pseudorandom
- GPRS的APN激活过程分析Analysis of GPRS Procedure in APN Activation
- 一种伪理论的推翻the explosion of a pseudo theory
- APN字符串取决于服务提供者。The APN string depends on the service provider.
- 伪称中立professed neutrality
- APN FO 1341抗血小板聚集的研究Study of APN FO 1341 on Antiplataled Aggregation