- 传统BLP模型的Z规范The Formalization of the BLP Security Model Using Z
- BLP模型的安全性分析与研究Analysis and Research of the Security of BLP Model
- BLP模型的时域安全研究Research on the time-dimain security of BLP model
- Z规范Z specification
- 基于扩展BLP模型的强制存取控制的研究与实现Research and Implementation of Mandatory Access Control Based on the Extended BLP Model
- 基于Z规范的统一建模语言序列图语义分析方法The Z specification-based method for the semantic analysis of UML sequence diagrams
- 一种基于BLP模型的安全Web服务器系统A Type of Secure Web Server System Based on BLP Model
- BLP模型BLP model
- 研究汽车碰撞中头颈部动态响应的有限元模型的建立和验证Development and Validation of a Head-Neck Finite Element Model for the Study of Neck Dynamic Responses in Car Impacts
- BLP模型是最为经典的计算机多级安全模型。Bell-LaPadula model(BLP) model is the most classical multilevel computer security model.
- 传统给水处理厂氯消毒模型的开发与应用Development and Application of a Chlorine Disinfection Model for a Conventional Waterworks
- 尤其是对象数据类型多层次的存储结构使得BLP模型难以得到实际应用。Particularly, the multi-layer storage structure of the object data structure makes the BLP model impractical.
- 对BLP模型可信用户权限过大和无完整性控制两点不足分别进行了改进。The two shortages of BLP,excessive trusted users authority and none integrity controling are improved in this paper.
- 非参数计量经济联立模型的局部线性两阶段最小二乘估计Local Linear Estimation by Two Stages Least Square for Nonparametric Simultaneous Equation Models in Econometrics
- 传统海图和电子海图一体化数据模型的构建与应用研究Research on an Unified Data Model to Integrate the Traditional and Electrical Navigational Charts
- BLP模型及其研究方向BLP Model and its Reseach Direction
- HMCAIC软件开发中的对象行为模型和对象交互模型的设计Object Behaviour Models and Object Interactive Models in the Development of HMCAIC
- 最后给出了调整后的BLP模型在LSM(Linux security module)上的实现。Finally,the adjusted BLP model on LSM is implemented(Linux security module).
- 一种基于角色访问控制模型的约束规范描述Constraint Specification for the Model of Role-Based Access Control
- 基于认证可信度的BLP模型研究Research on Authentication Trustworthiness-based BLP Model