- 企业DNAcorporate DNA
- 企业enterprise
- 上周,我收到一封电子邮件,上面有这样的说法:“运用企业DNA和非财务资产,再造开发供应链。Last week I got an e-mail with the following phrase in it: "re-engineering the development supply chain using business DNA and non-financial assets".
- 企业管理business management
- 企业文化corporate culture
- 国有企业nationalized business
- 生产企业manufacturer
- 外资企业overseas-funded enterprises
- 大型企业large scale industry
- 民营企业individually-run enterprises
- 企业集团enterprise group
- 企业所得税business income tax
- 企业法人business entity
- 小型企业small business
- 私营企业privately-run enterprise
- 企业形象corporate image(CI)/ enterprise image
- 独资企业single proprietorship
- 跨国企业multinational firm
- 中小型企业SME=Small Medium Enterprises
- 外商独资企业wholly (solely ) foreign-owned enterprises