- 余任天Yu Rentian
- 哪一天由你来说吧You name the day.
- 生死由命,富贵在天Dying is as natural as living
- 由to
- 生死由命,富贵在天
- 生死由命Every bullet has its billet; In life and death all things are settled by Heaven's decree
- 有人会告诉我们这些仆人:我们有多么好的工作,天天由白宫供给很好的饭菜,是多么幸运。We, the household family, would be told how lucky we were to have such good jobs, with good meals furnished by the White House.
- 宿命foreordination
- 升任preferment
- 有人会告诉我们这些仆人:我们有多么好的工作,天天由白宫供给很好的饭菜,是多么幸运。We, the household family, would be told how lucky we were to have such good jobs, with good meals furnished by the White House.
- 要命(v) cause sb to die
- 后任successor
- 由於due to
- 时任former
- 姻缘由命定。Marriages comes by destiny.
- 一两天我就回来。I will be back in a day or two.
- 由来origin
- 安非他命amphetamine
- 五天five days
- 命理fate