- 从AGB星到行星状星云From AGB Star to Planetary Nebula
- 漏斗状星云funnel-shaped nebula
- 汽车把外宾从机场送到宾馆。The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the guest house.
- 6点钟到这儿报到上班。Report for duty here at six o'clock.
- 男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister.
- 暗色星状孢子类Phaeostaurosporae
- 巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.
- 那架飞机从树梢掠过。The airplane shaved the top of a tree.
- 令状writ
- 占到account for
- 他把我从椅子上松开。He untied me from the chair.
- 她从集邮中获得很大乐趣。She derives great pleasure from her stamp collection.
- 他的脚趾踢到了门槛上。He stubbed his toe against the doorsill.
- 总状星珠霉Syncephalastrum racemosum Schroter
- 到海滨是一天的行程。It is one day's journey to get to the seaside.
- 火车费已从他工资中扣除。The train fare has already been taken out from his salary.
- 水淹到我的大腿。The water was up to my thighs.
- T6肝星状细胞株T6 hepatic stellate cells
- 你看到那些行星和星星了吗?Did you see all the planets and stars?
- 特发性星状假瘢痕Stellate spontaneous pseudoscars