- 亮绿SF(淡黄)Light green SF (yellowish)
- 亮绿SFlight green SF
- 点亮illumine
- 祖母绿、绿柱玉;从亮绿到草绿的透明种类,指一种宝石a brilliant green to grass-green transparent variety of beryl,used as a gemstone
- 硫化亮绿sulphur bright green
- 草绿grass green
- 变亮brighten
- 戴绿帽be a cuckold
- 常绿evergreen
- 灯泡不亮了。The bulb has gone.
- 绿巨人Green Giant
- 如果灯亮着,那么他们一定在家If the lights were on, they must have been at home.
- 绿营green camps
- 亮出reveal
- 这种瓷器蓝中带绿。The pottery is blue with a greenish hue.
- 我们的猫的毛皮又黑又亮。Our cat has glossy black fur.
- 绿脓杆菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- 火炬点亮了。The torch was lighted.
- 尼克发现那盏该死的灯哪儿都没毛病,可就是无法把它弄亮。Nick found no faults in any of the parts but still couldn't make the wretched lamp work.
- 春风催绿。The spring wind speeds the greening of the plants.