- 交通诱导VMStraffic guidance VMS (Variable Message Signs)
- VMS交通诱导系统现状分析Current Situation Initial Analysis of VMS System for Traffic Guiding
- 交通traffic
- VMS发布动态交通诱导信息的探讨Research on Dynamic Real-time Traffic Routing Information Distribution based on VMS
- 交通诱导traffic guidance
- 交通工具vehicle
- 公共交通public traffic
- 交通诱导因素Traffic induced strategy
- 交通银行Bank of Communications
- 交通管制traffic control
- 交通便利easy of access
- 交通事故traffic accident
- 交通堵塞traffic jam
- 上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 西安交通大学Xi'an Jiaotong University
- 交通枢纽transport hub
- 交通运输transport and communication trade
- 交通设施means of transportation
- 动态交通诱导dynamic route guidance
- 交通警察pointsman