- 于中华厅I抽奖及闭幕Gather in Zhonghua Hall I for Lucky Draw and Closing
- 于中华厅I开幕致辞Opening Speech in Zhonghua Hall I
- 中期业绩报告及财务回顾载于The interim results and a financial review are attached at
- 法律事务及海洋法和海洋事务厅;Office of Legal Affairs and Law of the Sea and Ocean Affairs;
- 中华鳖营养需要及配合饵料加工工艺Nutrient requirement and the processing of mixed diet for China turtle
- 当i等于11时,这条件不再为真,循环终止。The increment parameter sets i to 11. The condition is no longer true, and the for loop is finished.
- 早熟和正常中华绒螯蟹大颚器官发育及超微结构Development and ultrastructure of mandibular organ in precocious and normal Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis
- 常驻展馆的空间相当于每天能容纳450人就餐的自助餐厅。permanent exhibition space and a cafeteria that serves over 450 lunches a day.
- 大春的朴实、敦厚及参军后的英勇、干炼the honest and sincere Da Chun and his valor and competence after joining the army;
- 当I、J很大时,PMBK互连网络的性能,包括可靠性和带宽有效性,接近于CMB和PMB系统。the performance,including reliability and bandwidth availability,of the PMBK interconnection network is closer to that of the CMB and PMB systems when I and J become greater.
- 台湾中原大学台北城南门外专卖局厅舍及工场遗构的历史与保存活用计划The history study, preservation and application program for the monopoly Office building and facility construction outside of the south gate of old Taipei City wall
- 结扎钢丝,适用于口腔科及普外科。The ligature steel wire applies to department of stomatology and General surgical depart-ment.
- SAM组ALT、AST及MDA(除0h外)明显低于I/R组(P<0.01),SOD(除0h外)、ATP及EC明显高于I/R组(P<0.05,P<0.01)。Except the value of 0 h, when it comes to SAM group, the levels of AST, ALT and mitochondrial MDA were significantly lower (P<0.05) and the levels of mitochondrial SOD, ATP and EC were significantly higher (P<0.05, P<0.01) than those in the I/R group, respectively.
- 创立于清代光绪年间的衢州“邵永丰”麻饼双面沾芝麻,用白炭炉烘烤,是一种纯手工老品牌,去年被商务部授予“中华老字号”称号。Founded in the Qing Dynasty Emperor Guangxu Period, "Shao yongfeng" cake double dipped with sesame, and baked by white carbon stove, is a pure manual and old brand, which was awarded as " China Time-honored Brand" by the Ministry of Commerce last year.
- 外国旅客事后回想爆炸当时情境仍心有馀悸,炸弹在满布人群的咖啡厅,餐厅及超级市场旁的闹区引爆.Foreign holidaymakers described scenes of carnage in the aftermath of the explosions, which were detonated near a cafe, a restaurant and a supermarket in the tightly packed streets of the popular tourist town.
- 弗格森争辩说,美国可能会屈从于金融过度扩张的压力。由于负债严重,美国已经成为一个“二元国家”,即他所谓的“中华美利坚”的一部分。Ferguson now argues that the United States may be succumbing to financial overstretch. Deeply in debt to the rest of the world, it has become part of a ""dual country" that he calls "Chimerica".
- 原始数据及变换后的数据的 Moran s I统计量分别为 0 .2 0 8、 0 .2 3 8和 Geary s C统计量分别为 0 .73 5、 0 .73 8,且都有统计学意义。For the raw and transformed data,the Moran?s I statistic were 0 208 and 0 238,Geary?s C statistic were 0 735 and 0 738.And all of them were significant.
- 突出栏杆及其他物件于领地的权利[法] jus projiciendi
- 一八七五年(清光绪元年),清政府为进一步经营和治理台湾,再增设“台北府”及“淡水”、“新竹”、“宜兰”三县和“基隆厅”。In order to upgrade the administration of Taiwan,the Qing government created Taibei Prefecture,Jilong Canton and three counties of Danshui,Xinzhu and Yilan in 1875 (1st year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu).