- 牛被枪打死或用屠斧砍死。The oxen were shot or poleaxed.
- 一斧砍不倒橡树。An oak is not felled at one stroke.
- 乱刀砍死某人to hack sb to death
- 一斧一斧砍倒大树。Little stoke fell great oak.
- 乱in confusion
- 砍死cut sth down
- 乱伦incest
- 又花了十四天时间使用大斧小斧砍掉树枝和向四周张开的巨大的树顶I was fourteen more getting the branches and limbs, and the vast' spreading head of it cut off, which I hack'd and hew'd through with axe and hatchet, and inexpressible labour.
- 乱码messy code
- 不死athanasy
- 打死kill
- 乱的disorderly
- 刺死smite under the fifth rib
- 乱说to make irresponsible remarks
- 战斧battle-axe
- 病死die in one's bed
- 弄乱kerfuffle
- 不死的undying
- 乱弹thrum
- 怕死dread the grave