- 过去几十年,尤其近十年,乱捕滥杀海龟之多,以至于现在已减少到5%了。Th escale of the slaughter in recent decades,especially the past 10 years,has bee n so great that the figure is now down to 5%25.
- 中国政府严禁犀牛角、虎骨等的药用和贸易,对乱捕滥猎珍稀野生动物的犯罪行为,实行严厉打击的政策。The medicinal use of and trade in rhinoceros horn and tigerbone are strictly prohibited by the government,and the illegal hunting of rare wild animals is severely punished by law.
- 乱in confusion
- 乱伦incest
- 乱码messy code
- 滥杀滥伤武器indiscriminate weapo
- 乱的disorderly
- 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。The hunter snared a skunk.
- 乱说to make irresponsible remarks
- 他捕到足够饱餐一顿的鱼。He caught a large mess of fish.
- 乱弹thrum
- 我们去捕鲑鱼。We are going to fish salmon.
- 乱扔leave about
- 他们正在用拖网捕鳕。They are trawling for cod.
- 乱花钱dip into one's purse
- 渔夫捕到许多鱼。The fisherman had a good catch.
- 乱搞meddle
- 他在这河里捕鳟鱼。He fished the stream for trout.
- 乱写to write without basis
- 农民用套索捕牛。The farmer lassoed the cow.