- 书後的注释.explanatory notes at the back of a book
- 书letter
- 注释(v) make notes in the margin; annotate
- 有的人觉得很难适应退休後的生活,但他却能安之若素。Some people find retiring difficult, but he has taken it all in his stride.
- 在她外出喝酒後的次日早晨,她看起来了无生气,像一具死尸She looked like a zombie the morning after she went out drinking.
- 指导书instructor
- 报告书proces-verbal
- 我的注释成为文档的一部分,因此可供我的同事以后查看。My annotations become part of the document, so my colleague can go over them later.
- 授权书letter of attorney
- 标书bidding documents
- 这个国家中极其落後的地区, 既没有像样的公路也没有电力供应a very backward part of the country, with no proper roads and no electricity
- 电子书e-book
- 电子手稿的准备和标记。可在磁盘上使用的注释电子版本。Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup. Annotated electronic version, available on diskette.
- 看书read a book
- 耳後的一击使他趴倒在地板上。A blow behind the ear stretched him on the floor.
- 承认书acknowledgment
- 两周後的星期一。Monday fortnight.
- 关于差温加热旋转层结流体中的循环和其他椭圆问题的注释A note on circulation in differentially heated rotating stratified fluid and other elliptic problems
- 餐後的演说postprandial speeches
- MSBuild项目文件的注释以XML文件的标准注释的格式编写。MSBuild project file comments are written in the standard format for comments in an XML file.