- 书后的注释.explanatory notes at the back of a book
- 后queen
- 后的posticus
- 你知道这些关键术语的意思吗?通过查询书后的术语表,你可以检查你的回答。·泛型类型Do you know what these key terms mean? You can check your answers by looking up the terms in the glossary at the end of the book.
- 书letter
- 注释(v) make notes in the margin; annotate
- 把你的答案同书后的答案核对一下。Check your answers with the key at the back of the book.
- 书后postscript
- 毕业后的postgraduate
- 单行的注释使用分号。该行中,所有在其后的部分全部认定为注释的一部分A single-line comment is made with a semicolon. Everything following the semicolon to the end of the line is part of the comment
- 结婚后的postnuptial
- 自从看了师父的书后,她就开始想念师父,常常会掉泪,并渴望印心。This was the initial reason that the sister accepted Master, and after reading Her books, she began to pine for Her so much that she often wept.
- 手术后的postoperative
- 死后的postmortem
- 这本教科书里要使用的词汇表印在书后。The vocabulary used in the course book is printed at the back.
- 我们买了一幢荒废的房子,但在我的想象中,我可以设想出它重建后的样子。We bought a run-down old house but in my mind's eye I could see what it would be like when it was restored.
- 在后的posterior
- 向后的retral
- 这本书后有索引和附录。The book is indexed and appendixed.
- 教了两年书后,她开始喜欢上了这份工作。After teaching two years, she gets up an appetite for this job.