- 为破纪录而再接再厉.renew one's efforts to break a record
- 而(shows contrast)
- 他为破世界记录作了最后一次努力。He made one last attempt at the world record.
- 破纪录record-breaking
- 对破布忠心耿耿,替破布摇旗呐喊,把破布奉为神明,为破布鞠躬尽瘁--那就是一种愚忠。To be loyal to rags, to shout for rags, to worship rags, to die for rags-that is a loyalty of unreason.
- 而不是instead of
- 破to break
- 再接再厉make determined and persistent efforts
- 为难make things difficult for
- 世界纪录world's record
- 而后then
- 转化为translate into
- 本年的破纪录雨量与赤道太平洋地区的特强厄尔尼诺现象同时出现。The extreme rainfall coincided with an exceptionally strong E1 Nino event in the equatorial Pacific.
- 替换为replace with
- 视情况而定as the case may be
- 表现为register as
- 而成form
- 为王regally
- 根据具体情况而定as the case may be
- 破纪录的record-breaking