- 中ICU文档的链接。For a link to the ICU documentation.
- 中ICU站点的链接,在这里可以下载二进制代码或源代码,以及学习如何编译和安装这个库。For a link to the ICU site, where binaries or source code can be downloaded, along with instructions on how to compile and install the library.
- 提供指向用于XML加密和数字签名的类的参考文档的链接。Provides links to reference documentation for classes used for XML encryption and digital signatures.
- 单击该公告中的链接可访问该项目,并且可以开始创建内容。Clicking on the link within the announcement will take you to the project, where you can begin creating content.
- 放到收藏夹,它的重要性不在于到GRASS文档的链接,而是提供了到多种语言GIS软件的链接。Which is important not so much for its links to GRASS documentation but because it provides links to GIS software in several languages.
- 在你的链接中多加一个随机参数值!!!Add a random parameter with your URL.
- 若要使链接信息随源文档的更改自动更新,请选择“自动”。To update the linked information automatically whenever changes are made to the source document, click Automatic.
- 更换的链接,The link is as below
- 配置设置来解析电子邮件中指向报表服务器中报表的链接。Configuration setting to resolve links in e-mail messages to reports on a report server.
- 原文的链接Here is the link to the original text
- 这将启用文档内链接,这与关系数据库中主键和外键关系类似。This enables intra-document links and is similar to the primary key and foreign key relationships in relational databases.
- 该操作将切断此对象与其主控文档的链接。This action will sever the object's link to its master.
- 激活选定的链接Activate a selected link.
- 该结构保存指向调试堆的链接列表中的第一个(最近分配的)块的指针。This structure saves a pointer to the first (most recently allocated) block in the debug heap's linked list.
- 更改图片的链接Change a Link to a Picture
- 每个问题带有一个链接,指向文档中描述如何解决该问题的主题。Each issue has a link to a topic in the documentation describing how to address it.
- 下表提供了某些常用编程语言的参考文档的链接。The following table provides links to the reference documentation for some widely used programming languages.
- 这告诉HTML把它连接回同一页面,然后Tapestry处理实际的链接。That tells the HTML to link back to this same page; Tapestry then handles the actual link.
- 设置GPO的链接顺序To set the link order for GPOs
- 您还可以选择忽略这两种图标,或者仅显示文档中正确链接的图标。You may also choose to ignore both types of icons, or to display only icons correctly linked from within documents.