- 中国ERP软件市场China's ERP Software Market
- 中国ERP软件市场研究年度报告Annual Report on China's ERP Software Market
- 商品化ERP软件commercialization of ERP software
- ERP软件供应商ERP software vendor
- 被评价为“闷声发大财”,知名度以及声誉或许仅在国内制造行业极高的软件产业低调巨人,何以在一片乏味的中国erp市场上几乎一枝独秀?Appraised for " making a big fortune with no voice", QAD's popularity and reputation might be only high in domestic manufacturing industry. Why could it outshine others in dull China ERP market?
- 必须具有ERP软件的操作经验,sap优先考虑.Experience with ERP software required; preferably SAP.
- 该协议意味着ABB已经采用SAP作为其主要ERP软件。The agreement means ABB has adopted SAP as its main ERP software.
- 1927年中国革命进入了它历史上的一个新时期。In1927 the Chinese revolution entered a new period in its history.
- 中国软件市场China's Software Market
- 中国经济发展的优势是国内农村市场潜力巨大。One of the greatest assets underlining China's strong growth is its huge market potential in the countryside.
- 应用软件市场applied software market
- 从数字看中国体育市场Chinese sports market in numbers
- 总之,基于ARIS的ERP实施方法能够为ERP实施过程中的流程再造、组织结构变革提供定量的说明,可以为ERP软件供应商、ERP实施咨询公司和实施ERP的企业在实施ERP系统的时候提供参考。In conclusion, the methodology of ERP implementation based on ARIS can provide quantitative specification for BPR(business process reengineering) and organization structure change in the course of ERP implementation, can supply references to ERP software venders, ERP consulting companies and enterprise implementing ERP system.
- 中国UPS市场China's UPS Market
- 中国A股市场China's A- Share Market
- 物流软件市场logistics software market
- 中国PCB市场China's PCB Market
- ERP管理软件ERP management software
- 中国PDA市场China's PDA Market