- 中国加入WTO与价值规律之我见On China's Entry into the WTO and the Law of Value
- 中国加入WTO后政府职能的转变Transformation of Governmental Function after China's Eatery into the WTO
- 加入to become a member
- 据测算,中国加入WTO的长期影响为每年1-2个百分点的GDP。It is estimated that the WTO accession will add the country's GDP growth by 1-2 percentage points for a long time.
- 中国加入WTO是中国自身经济发展的需要,也是WTO自身完善和发展的需要。China's WTO accession answers the needs of its own economic development, and also the need of its self-perfection and development.
- 中国加入WTOChina's entry into the WTO
- 中国加入WTO高校学报的出路选择The Way of the Learned Journal of Institutions of Higher Learning after China's Entry into WTO
- 试论中国加入WTO后皮化行业的发展The way for leather chemicals industry after China's WTO entry
- 浅谈中国加入WTO与湖北盐业Talk about China Accede to WTO and Salt Business in Hubei Province
- 工作组因此同意已完成关于中国加入《WTO 协定》谈判的工作。The Working Party agreed, therefore, that it had completed its work concerning the negotiations for the accession of China to the WTO Agreement.
- 加入WTO后的中国食物走势China's food trend after the admission of WTO
- 中国加入WTO会给我们带来什么What Will It Bring to Us that China Joins WTO
- 加入WTO与中国商标法的修订China's Entry to WTO and the Revision of China's Trade Mark Law
- 中国加入WTO对环境保护的影响Influence on Environmental Protection When China Accedes to WTO
- 加入WTO对中国会计的新要求New demands for Chinese accounting after becoming a member country of WTO
- 中国加入WTO后油价看跌粕价看涨The price of oil will decline and soybean meal will go up after China entering WTO
- 加入WTO后的中国农业区划政策WTO and Agricultural Zoning Adjustment in China
- 中国加入WTO后买办寻租现象透视Perspective on the Phenomenon of Comprador Rent-seeking After China's Entering WTO
- 加入WTO对中国引进外资的影响Lmpact of entering WTO on China's attracting foreign funds
- 中国加入WTO铁矿山资源税亟待下调The iron resources tax in mines should be reduced after China join the WTO