- 两两广义NQD列generalized pairwise NQD sequences
- 两两NQD列pairwise NQD sequences
- 两两NQD列的强大数定律On the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Pairwise NQD Random Variables
- 两两NQD列的一个强大数定律A Strong Law of Large Number for Pairwise NQD Random Sequences
- NQD列negative quadrant dependent
- 两两NQD列的一个弱大数定律A Weak Law of Large Number for Pairwise NQD Random Sequences
- 广义相对论的天文学验证astronomical tests of general relativity
- 配列assortment
- 前一列previous column
- 两两NQD序列pairwise NQD sequences
- 所列listed
- 侦察队两两散开The patrol tailed out in pairs.
- 直列orthostichous
- 行为两两NQD的随机变量阵列arrays of rowwise NQD random variables
- 点列point range
- 那列快车飞速掠过车站。The express train whizzed past the station.
- 同分布两两NQD随机序列和的强大数律On the strong law of large numbers for sums of pairwise NQD r. V.'s
- 纵列tandem
- 散列hash
- 表列tabular