- 总理事会general council
- 总overall
- 总理事会决议the General Council Decision
- 地中海渔业总理事会General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean
- 非洲工会统一组织总理事会;General Council of the African Trade Union Unity Organization;
- 理事会council
- 总的total
- 总表general schedule (GS)
- 总览pandect
- 副总vice president
- 安全理事会the U.N. security Council
- 总有一天one of these fine days
- 基金会的管理交由理事会负责。The management of the foundation is vested in a board of trustees.
- 总金额aggregate amount
- 总会always
- 总资产total assets
- 总图general chart
- 总帐Ledger (L)
- 总重gross weight
- 总承包turnkey