- 专家PID控制expert PID control
- 模糊专家PID控制Fuzzy-Expert-PID
- 焦炉回炉煤气主管压力的专家PID控制Expert-PID Control of Main Pipe Pressure of Recycled Coal Gas
- 专家expert(ise)
- 专家PID在精馏塔控制中的应用Expert PID and Its Application in Distillation Column Control System
- 专家PIDexpert PID
- PID控制PID control
- 基于专家PID的径向柱塞变量泵电液伺服控制Electro-hydraulic Servo Controlling Radial Piston Pump Based on Expert PID Controller
- 基于PID控制的主动磁轴承-飞轮转子系统运动稳定性研究Study on Dynamic Stability of Flywheel Rotor Supported by AMB Based on PID Controller
- 采用专家PID实现串调系统优化控制Optimized control of expert PID series-wound timing system
- 改进PID控制advanced PID control
- 模糊PID控制fuzzy PID control
- PID控制算法PID control algorithm
- 流量PID控制flux control
- 常规PID控制conventional PID control
- 解耦PID控制decoupling PID control
- 增量PID控制increment PID control
- 液位PID控制liquid level PID control
- 过程PID控制process PID control
- PID控制规律PID Controlling Regulation