- 不精确Newton法inexact Newton method
- 本文研究了Davidson方法与Newton方法的关系,并重点研究不精确Newton方法。In the paper we study the relationship between Davidson method and Newton method and emphasize on studying the inexact Newton method.
- 非精确Newton法inexact Newton method
- Newton法Newton method
- 日本公司同意就手表不精确向我们赔偿总价值的百分之五。The Japanese Company agreed to compensate us for the defective watches by 5%25 of the total value.
- M步Newton法modified Newton's methods
- 遇到了不完整或不精确的图像筛选器 '%1' 的应用程序。A partial or inexact application of image filter '%251' was encountered.
- 变形Newton法deformed Newton's method
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 宾夕法尼亚Pennsylvania
- 我的厨房秤不精确。My kitchen scales are not accurate.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 表示法notation
- "我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。"I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
- 不精确imprecision
- 比色法colorimetry
- 那时他们连普通衣服都不能生产,更不要说高级的了。At that time they could not produce ordinary garments, not to speak of high-grade ones.
- 不精确的imprecise
- 层次分析法analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
- 不精确的计算会使图像模糊。Imprecise calculations show up as fuzz in the picture.