- 就在她躺到等死的时候,一个叫做佛克尔的吸血鬼伯爵路过并给了她新的不死身。As she lay dying, a Vampire Lord named Vokial came by and gave her a new unlife.
- 死身dead body
- 不死athanasy
- 死uncrossable
- 不死的undying
- 死了in the flue
- 不死心unresigned
- 不死鸟the secular bird
- 科学的最大的幻想和渴望就是想让人类能离开这个拐点而不死。Science is the greatest fantasy and desire will want to leave the human inflection of immortality.
- 不到黄河心不死not stop until one reaches the Huanghe River - not stop until one reaches one's goal
- 还要拥有一个不死之身。Still possess one do not die Zhi body.
- 珀涅罗珀奥德赛的妻子,忒勒马科斯之母喀耳刻使她永生不死The wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus. Penelope was made immortal by Circe.
- “这条他妈的老命,他还真者不死啦"Damn his livers, he's immortal!"
- 我责备埃蒂尔不应该让他其心不死、想入非非。I accused Ethel of having led him on, of having encouraged him.
- 对“抢险不跑坝,漫滩不死人”的思考Pondering Over "Groins should be Stable in Rush Repairs and No Death in Flooding"
- 使你的攻击对不死系附带额外伤害。This spell causes all your attacks to deal additional damage to undead targets.
- 在撒旦之前被扔入不死的火湖的是谁?Who are thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur before Satan?
- 法老和一切臣仆,并埃及众人,夜间都起来了。在埃及有大哀号,无一家不死一个人的。Pharaoh and all his officials and all the Egyptians got up during the night, and there was loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead.
- 在这张面具之下,不仅仅只有血肉之躯,还有理想与信念,而理想与信念是永生不死的。Beneath this mask is more than flesh, beneah this mask is idea, and idea is bullet-proof.
- 他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。He believed his immortal soul was in peril.