- 不大VPthe " Bu Da VP"
- 不大not very
- 近几年,硬件价格涨幅很大,但是我们的价格变动不大。Hardware have go up a lot in recent year, but our price have not changed much.
- 如果你的词汇量不大,你成功的机会也就不多。That if your vocabulary is limited your chances of success are limited.
- 相差不大pretty much the same
- 人们不大清楚这种新药的长远效果如何。People knows little about what the long-term effects of the new drug will be.
- 不怎么想去,我并不大喜欢看电影。Not really. I am not very fond of the cinema.
- 他的同事们正计划到不大有人去的地方度暑假。His colleagues are planning to go somewhere off the beaten track for the summer holidays.
- 史密斯先生偏爱那些不大淘气的学生。Mr Smith showed partiality to the less troublesome students.
- 但对其如何界定人们似乎还不大有把握。Yet people still seem to be unsure how to interpret it.
- 下雨的可能性是有的,但天空一片蔚蓝,可能性似乎不大。It's possible that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesn't seem probable.
- 考虑到你在过去一年里的成就不大,你还是放弃唱歌好了。For all the improvement you've made in the past year, you might as well give up singing.
- 新来的销售部主任大家还不大了解。The new sales director is still a bit of an unknown quantity.
- 在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性并不大。Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year.
- 她过去一直不大吭声,可是来到我们班后就活跃欢快起来了。She used to be quiet, but she has blossomed out since she came to our class.
- 你现在的所作所为与你声称的不大一致。What you are now doing does not quite tally with your statement.
- 布朗太太已八十多岁,现在不大活动了。Mrs. Brown is over 80 and not very active now.
- 看来在这个基础上成交的希望不大。It do not seem very hopeful to close the deal on that basis.
- 在这样一种场合讲这一类故事是不大合适的。Stories of that kind are scarcely in place on an occasion such as this.
- 季节性或经济周期两者对长期趋势的影响都不大。Seasonality or economic cycles will have minimal impact on secular trends.