- 下lower
- 下一next
- 蒋介石亲身出马任总司令,下分左右中三路总司令。Jiang Jie Shi personally took the field as commander-in-chief. Under him there were three subordinate commanders,each in charge of a column -- the left,the right and the centre.
- 三路进攻Three -Pronged Attack
- 文化三路向three kinds of cultures
- 一下(adj) one time; once
- 查找下一个find next
- 电路circuit
- 下的subaltern
- 三年three years
- 下一个next
- 市委讲师团分三路下乡宣传党的方针政策。The publicizing troop of the Municipal Party Committee divides themselves into three groups to inform people in the countryside about the policies of the Chinese Communist Party.
- 下页overleaf
- 下周next week
- 上下up and down
- 南迁文物又沿三路辗转迁徙至四川,分别存于四川省的巴县、峨嵋和乐山。Now the treasures stored in Nanjing had to be moved again,this time by three routes to Sichuan,where they were secreted in three locations,Baxian,Emei and Leshan.
- 液压传动。电气调节液压控制阀门。第2部分:三路定向流量控制阀门的试验方法Hydraulic fluid power -- Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves -- Part 2: Test methods for three-way directional flow control valves
- 她在战争中遇难,留下三个孩子和一个仍在吃奶的婴儿。She was killed in the war and left three children and one at the breast behind.
- 本设计采用时分复用方式,首次基于FPGA实现三路异步数据与一路同步数据的复用与解复用.In order to implement the multiplexing and demultiplexing on three channels of asynchronous data and one channel of synchronous data,the TDM is employed to design it based on the FPGA,which is the first time to our knowledge.
- 公共汽车后面还能坐下三个人。There's room for another three people in the back of the bus.